Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Les WHO ? Les WHAT?.....LES ????????

Sorry for the delay, when I created this thing I said to myself "I hate it when the blogs I like only update themselves once in a blue moon" In the blog world that's like 3-4 days.. well,I must say I have a good excuse, I have been very busy planning my next weekly party!!! I'm serious about this one too, after being burnt out for well over 2 years, I am finally ready to put my all into some sort of club night. I'm over asking myself "Why doesn't Houston get it", frankly in my old uh..hmm (er) age,I don't really give a damn. There seems to be plenty of people that might get it, and I hope this attempt at something fun on a weekly basis gives them the fix they need to make it through the rest of the week. Get ready cause its goin to be GOOOOOOOOD!
Stay tuned for an update, next week we will officially announce the event, the venue, the special events calendar (includes a funky fresh duo from chi-town..oohhhhhh flossy aint it?), and all other information. We can tell you it will be on Wednesday's, 18+ 5$, 21up FREE!, 75C draft, 2$ Lone Stars, 3$ Wells, 2.50 Kamikazes, all night, its a club in the Montrose (Yaaaay! We're back!) A BOOM-ing sound system and lights as well. Nov.12th is the Start.

MICKEY FACTZ (Boogie Down Bronx NYC)
OK onto the music... this guy was pointed out to me by a booking agent, I don't always follow what the agents say, because most of the time they are just trying to sell me an act at an outrageously overblown price claiming they are the next cool, underground, hip, unknown (to most of the world) big thing. Well, this guy Mickey Factz just may be the real deal. I couldn't find the song with the Zoot Woman sample from "Automatic" , that is tha killah! However here are a couple tracks that are pretty damn good, simple yet groovin crossover hip hop, i dig em though and maybe you will too, he's been all over the internet world and also runs around with The Cool Kids. Give him some myspace love! www.myspace.com/itzmickey
p.s. The first track is pulled off a mix cd of his, so it kinda goes into some "robotic" territory, just sayin.
MICKEY FACTZ (Talk Yo Shit w/ ?)
MICKEY FACTZ ( I Like Your Supras) editors note: I liked mine too, but they about damn killed my feet!!!!

In Flagranti (Brrrrrooklyn NYC)
This group keeps popping up in my inbox every two years or so and I always remember liking the tracks I hear, however this remix by NYC's HOLY GHOST! Really gives them a different, more danceable flavor. In Flagranti is already a great band, Holy Ghost just adds to it and makes it disco. Lets Boogie! www.myspace.com/inflagranti www.myspace.com/holyghostnyc
In Flagranti (Business Acumen) Holy Ghost! Version

If you want to do some fun stuff this weekend and you are in Houston, there are quite a few goodies for ya! Here goes:
FRIDAY Oct.17th DESIGNER DRUGS (nyc) @ BOONDOCKS www.myspace.com/boondocksbar
SATURDAY Oct.18th ART SOUND feat.- Aerosol Warfare, The Jon Benet, BMC, Damon Allen
Bakalavas, and lots more Dj's/ Art / Live Music... pssst,, hey... I go on @ 1am.
SATURDAY Oct.18th GIRLTALK @ Warehouse Live, FREE sponsored by Scion but you must RSVP. I am sure you can find the link son! Sweaty, good times, for sure! You will still have time to come to ART SOUND too! www.warehouselive.com www.scion.com
MONDAY Oct.20th The Ting Tings @ House Of Blues, our boy FredSTER is opening up, so it will be doubly as much fun, and we hear there is a super kinda secret afterparty, so.... good fun on a Monday! www.houseofblues.com
Next week.... MSTRKRFT and Afterparty Oct.22nd read below for more details!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
These STREETS of FIRE are burning again!

Its time to talk about some skate stuff, I want to give thanks to another legend of the streets.. NATAS KAUPAS! This man was responsible for almost every trick I learned back in the day. I would study his moves in the videos, look at the magazines closely, whatever glimpse I could get of him,I would take it. This guy was unstoppable, a true street skating legend. This excerpt is from Transworld Skate Magazine Online and pretty much sums it all up rather nicely.
" The fire hydrant. That’s pretty much all I really need to say. Or maybe that and ollieing the cow at Ohio Skateout. Or maybe those two and the world’s first rail 50-50 down the extremely soft metal Westwood Federal Building ten-stair in ‘88. I mean, he railslid it the same day Mark Gonzales did in ‘86-the first legitimate handrail trick known to man. Johnee Kopp slammed, then Natas went back for the clean boardslide to fakie in Streets On Fire (’89). Frontside wallrides at Kenter? Only about five feet high. He kickflipped the 3rd Street gap in Santa Monica in ‘89-Vision and the rest of us still thought launch ramps were the ticket.
Maybe I’d mention all those and then just touch on the Jeep roll bar. Maybe I’d even mention the fact that he won the first pro contest he entered on a handmade board in Willamette, Oregon in the rain. Am I going too fast for you, young reader? Because I thought you might also like to know that Natas was the first dude ever to ollie up a picnic table in ‘88. He then unveiled the first frontside flip ever on a quarterpipe during a demo on the infamous ‘89 Cadillac tour. Legend? Are you kidding me? “God” would be a more appropriate description. With all due credit to the other big innovators (Mullen, Hawk, J. Thomas), very few approached their innovations as casually and spontaneously as Natas. Gonz, Dressen, Hosoi, Gator, Hensley, Duffy, Penny, and now PJ Ladd … there was something about the give-a-f-kness in the way they could invent a trick without even thinking about it beforehand, creating every trick in the book while riding to the store for a sixer.
Natas didn’t need to come back from his broken ankle in ‘91. He’d already done everything that could be done on a skateboard before you were born. And he’s pretty much done everything you can do off of one since. Captain, there ain’t no doubts … in your abilities."-Mackenzie Eisenhour

THE FACTION feat.(Steve Caballero) San Jose California 1982-1985
Check out Bones Brigade and skate legend Steve Caballero's band The Faction, these guys created some awesome music back in the day, and if I am correct they might still be together or doing reunion shows or something.
The Faction "Tongue Like a Battering Ram" 80's Skatepunk!!!http://www.zshare.net/audio/201839353451c72b/

Ok now onto the new stuff, I am sure many of you have heard the name FOAMO by now, this kid is making some killer trakcs and remixes at the moment. He was introduced to me by Felix Cartal, Felix spoke very highly of this guy, so I took a listen and was floored! New, exciting, fresh, check it out! www.myspace.com/foamo
FOAMO "Everything Cool" Wearhouse Music
I have got one more group of UK lads for you, Mystery Jets, wasn't too fond of the first album. However, seems like ever since Erol Alkan http://www.erolalkan.co.uk/ got a hold of them, he has helpedthem refine thier sound and produce some better stuff, this is a song off the newest album, Twenty One. www.myspace.com/mysteryjets
MYSTERY JETS "HIDEAWAY" http://www.zshare.net/audio/20185302e9d791f9/

AFTRKRFT (mstrkrft) afterparty to follow w/ special guests @ Boondocks
wooooooo hoooooooooo!!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Something old, Something new, Something...

Coming right back at ya with another oldie but goodie, Nu Shooz "Point of No Return", just as good as "I Can't Wait" in my opinion, maybe even better. Sounds just as good now as it did back at my middle school dances!Not to mention, that was a looooooong time ago. Good stuff, check it out! http://www.nushoozmusic.com/
Nu Shooz "Point Of No Return" (Vocal Special Mix)

The Black Kids " I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How to Dance" (Twelves Remix)
Something about this tune, reminds me of the French disco house explosion of the late 90's, yet it has an updated vibe to it, which is also nice. Seems like a lot more producers have been pulling away from the harder edged sounds and giving things more of a disco flavor, i like it, you probably will too! The Twelves from Rio Brazil are the remixers,and they did some great work on this remix ,The Black Kids, are a fun band that hail from sunny Florida, the vocals remind me of Robert Smith... kinda. Go get tunes and info from thier myspaces! www.myspace.com/thetwelves www.myspace.com/blackkidsrock
The Black Kids "Im Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How To Dance" (Twelves Remix)
Daniel Wang "Berlin Sunrise" Ghostly International Records
Oh Daniel Wang, you make the most pleasant dancing/lounging/hanging out doing homework music I have heard in quite awhile. Ghostly International is the label, and a great label it is, it is also the home of Matthew Dear aka Audion, whom is also very very good. You should visit the site and buy some music! http://www.ghostlyinternational.com/
Daniel Wang "Berlin Sunrise" (Die Demmerung)http://www.zshare.net/audio/19800216f6c5945f/
I know you have all been waiting.... (pffft yeah right) well here is a post about Freestyle Bikes from the 80's, If you don't know much about them , then you have come to the right place! If you know a lot about them you have also come to the right place. I think all would agree that the undisputed king of the 80's freestyle bike scene was Eddie Fiola, you couldnt pick up a BMX Action or BMX Plus, or Freestylin, magazine without his mug on every other page! This guy had some amazing runs at some of those King of The Skateparks, back in the day, just look him up on Youtube, you will see what I am talking about. Anyway, here is an ad from back in the day! Only if theystill made bicycles like this, I bet they would sell like hotcakes! Everyone and I mean EVERYONE, wanted the GT Performer, I wasnt lucky enough to get one, but I always envied the little rich kids who had them although most of the time, those kids totally sucked at Freestyling! Ha, typical, isnt it? www.myspace.com/edwardfiola http://www.bmxmuseum.com/
+++ Dont miss out this Saturday night, as we help host another installment of the insanely popular monthly dance event: NEON NITES @ The Backroom/ The Mink
Lots of music to dance to and the light shows are awesome too! Go to our friend Fixtures myspace he is the host of this party and produces some great remixes and original tracks too! I think you will esp. like the Fred Falke remix we worked on together.....mmmmm Frenchy.
www.myspace.com/fixturehouse and www.myspace.com/damonallen
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Music Music Music... here we go.